LET’S MARCH FORWARD (An honest submission of the mind to cope with the trauma of Covid – 19)


      What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you         imagine, you create.             - Buddha


How does a pencil work without a sharpener? It's mender is definitely needed to trim down the wood carefully and bring out the sharp pencil lead that writes. So is our life. A sharp blade like agent is essential in cutting down the covering called ignorance in the form of ego, greed , jealousy and other negative aspects to bring out the main ingredient of fruitful life called wisdom. It is important to note that the beauty of this shining wisdom is observed only when the contrary darkness is seen. The past experiences, tough times we underwent, criticism – let all these be that sharp agent that is going to mend us and ultimately show us the right path.

With relevance to the contemporary situation, it is necessary that we comprehend this fact. Many lives have succumbed to this pandemic  and it has instilled a sense of fear in each of us. It has brought in an unexpected change in our lifestyles and mindset. Especially, the social life of people has had its adverse affects. The young, the old, the poor, the rich, - irrespective of all these differences this pandemic has left us in a looming uncertainty. Everybody is curious and anxious about ‘what next?’. This further gave rise to stress, depression and agony. If this pandemic has directly affected many lives , on the other hand it has mentally victimized many lives. 

“The infinite future is before you, and you must always remember that each word, each thought, and deed, lays up a store for you and that, as the negative thoughts and works are ready to spring upon you like tigers, so also there is this inspiring hope that the good thoughts and good deeds are ready with the power of a hundred thousand angels to defend you always and forever.”               

                                                                       - Swami Vivekananda

Aren't these words boosting your spirits?      

          Hope is the elixir of life. Let these testing times be the blade that alters our lifestyles towards progress. The deep- rooted hope within us gives us energy and strength to endure the slash of the blade. Being stable with constant and dominating faith is all that matters. Positivism can work wonders. But it is vital that we imbibe this fact and get acclimatized to the present-day situation with preparedness

          Though, it seems difficult to overcome a few factors like uncertainty and monotony, let us learn to embrace this and MARCH FORWARD.

         What can we do with respect to the above mentioned?

         ‘A healthy mind resides in a healthy body.’

1.    The priority is given to bodily health and hygiene. In order to maintain a healthy body, proper physical exercise and nutritious diet are needed. Little attention paid to this will help a lot.

2.    Secondly, mental health and meditation is the best solution at this time. Quality time spent with the regulation of breath and thought will lead to a higher platform of peace.

3.    Thirdly, personal hygiene is an aspect to be ensured.

4.    Last but not the least is the personality development, the most important area of concern. This is a vast area of development that can be well groomed to be dynamic and bright during this time.

              Love and care shared with the family and friends ( virtually sometimes ), the new hobbies that are pursued, and the efforts put in giving up the bad habits and negative thoughts through emotional and spiritual fitness are included in this category.

       Keeping all these points in mind one can definitely make steps towards growth that never go in vain especially in view of this hard phase.

                  STAY WITH HOPE!

                                                                               STAY HAPPY!

                                                                                 STAY SAFE!


                                                                                                                Writer :- Meenakshi Sabari



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