Globalization and it's adverse impact on Indian Culture

Globalization and it's adverse impact on Indian Culture

"A Nation's culture resides in the hearts and soul of its people" -- Mahatma Gandhi

Culture of India, the pride of the Nation, is a collection of thousands of diverse and unique cultures belonging to the different regions, religions and communities. The Indian culture has its deep roots of unbroken tradition from the time immemorial. India is well known for its unity in diversity. Now, is there any strong influence on this culture that is expected to bring about a major change in the Nation's pride? Is the chain of this beautiful tradition going to continue? Is this unique antiquity being preserved? Or is it going to be another sinking culture in the global history? These are the points to ponder.

One of the major and important reasons that has had a greater adverse impact on our culture is Globalization. It is the most complex and multifaceted phenomenon ever happened on earth. Globalization is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, governments and not the least the Guardian of the culture, our generation. It is all about the inter-dependency of social , economical , political and cultural activities world wide. With its increasing growth rate , due to the advancement of transportation and communication technology, Globalization ha influenced the whole world with its pros and cons. This, based on its main aspects of 'finance and transaction', 'trade and transportation', 'migration and movement of people' and the 'dissemination of knowledge globally from place to place, is broadly classified into three categories namely- 1) The Economic Globalization, 2) The Political Globalization and 3) The Cultural Globalization. Among these three categories , it is the cultural Globalization which has influenced the Indian culture adversely to the maximum. While the other classification have also contributed in both healthy and unhealthy ways, havoc of annihilation has been brought to an alarming level by cultural Globalization only then any.
Indian culture with its well functioning age old organs- religion, beliefs and customs, family structure and marriage , language and literature, visual arts, performing arts, sports and ancient martial arts, and the environmental culture of flora and fauna is being the victim of the impact of this fast growing and progressing process of Globalization . Accumulation of common cultures diffused through the web and travels has been declining Nation-state identity. The local or the regional customs have started losing their originality. Joint families has been broken down down and converted into nuclear-families, religious influences, traditional influences, traditional music are finding their ways with fusion of traditions. Adverse Linguistics aspects, architectural up-downs are also an observable impacts now.

The impact of Globalization is definitely an issue to be addressed, on such a developing country like India. Though, Globalization is vital for strengthening a nation to find a balance between the nations worldwide and making the world a peaceful place to live in together without any conflicts, but the rush should not extinct the originality of any region or country, especially a country like India with so ancient heritage and civilization. The cultural pride of India therefore should be protected and preserved. It is high time that the new generations of India give immense interest and importance on this fact and stay united to safeguard their soul culture.
                                                                                                Writer-- Meenakshi Sabari


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