LET’S MARCH FORWARD (An honest submission of the mind to cope with the trauma of Covid – 19)

What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create. - Buddha How does a pencil work without a sharpener? It's mender is definitely needed to trim down the wood carefully and bring out the sharp pencil lead that writes. So is our life. A sharp blade like agent is essential in cutting down the covering called ignorance in the form of ego, greed , jealousy and other negative aspects to bring out the main ingredient of fruitful life called wisdom. It is important to note that the beauty of this shining wisdom is observed only when the contrary darkness is seen. The past experiences, tough times we underwent, criticism – let all these be that sharp agent that is going to mend us and ultimately show us the right path. With relevance to the contemporary situation, it is necessary ...