Dissecting decision: On the light of Bhagavat Geeta and other Sanskrit treatise

   hato vā prāpsyasi svargaṁ 

      " jitvā vā bhogṣyase mahiṁ

   tasmād uttiṣṭha kaunteya 

        yuddhāya kṛta-niścayaḥ"

            --Bhagavat Geeta 2.37

( Either you will be killed on the battlefield and attain the heavenly planets, or you will conquer and enjoy the earthly kingdom. Therefore, stand up with determination and fight O son of kunti!)

The word decision can be traced back to its origin Latin parent word ‘decisionem’ meaning ‘an agreement’; which later became decision as now perceived. The word literally means ‘to cut’. As intellect has its nature to bifurcate anything in order to understand, decision as a part of intellect’s attributes takes the same of comprehension, i.e. cutting. Though gross in nature decision is so subtle and substantial to our life that almost every thinking being is recognized by their decision making capacities. The great visionary, religious reformer, yogi and philosopher Swami Vivekananda once said- “The difference between a great man and a normal person is just the difference of the level of their concentration”. Adding further, it can also be said that it is only the level of concentration and the ability to make right decision at the right time results one’s greatness as well as ignorance. 

Dissection of decision

Now let us now orbit around the structural idea of decision.

There are two very famous and effective methods of decision making used in logical studies and computer science as well; they are upward reasoning and downward reasoning. In simple words, the  upward reasoning follows with the raw data in abundance and takes all the possible way to get to the conclusive result or decision, on the other hand the downward reasoning is initiated from the conclusion itself to get supportive  data to prove it.   The graphical representation of both is given below –

Fig:- Two types of Reasoning 

        But the decision is a matter of relativity. The precision in decision can not be expected always. Again, the reason of an effective decision also varies according to many other elements viz- environmental, social, mental or spiritual disturbance, one’s educational background, influence of other personalities on that subject etc. From that stand point a decision is never wrong. It is only more or less effective. A same trivial decision one year before could be a grave mistake to somebody and could be the greatest advantage to somebody else after one year. The effectiveness of decision could vary from time and space, exampli gratia- the farming way of very cold places like Russia might not be effective in arid places like Australia or African continent and vice versa. So, looking at these horizons we can draw the real structure of decision as below--

                       Fig:- Process of decision

So, decision making as heard is not a load aim shoot formula, but a process of in deciphering the problem and tackling with the most effective available.


Characteristics of a good decision maker

A good decision maker is not only a true friend to himself but also a good leader for the society at large and the most precious human resource in society for building a divine anthropological history. A good decision maker can change whole human history by the extrapolation of heinous mass slaughtering wars from world history and by bolstering the human nature to be kind and creative with natural sustainability which we are craving for these days. As being decisive is one of the most important characteristics of a leader, Lord Shri Krishna in Bhagavat Geeta says its effects on thers as- “Whatever action a great man performs, common men follow. And whatever standards he sets by exemplary acts, the entire world pursues” (Bhagavat Geeta 3.21).  Truly the leaders influence upon a great mass of society irrespective of time. But how the decision should be taken? The answer is in the work of the great Sanskrit poet scholar Bhāravi, -- “ Sahasā vidadhīt na kriāmavivekaḥ paramāpadāṁ padaṁ”-- meaning, one should not take decisions in hurry, as it may cause the greatest havoc possible. So, a good decision should always be an insightful and one with clearly contemplated about its consequences.

Shri Krishna clearly describes the behavior of mind and how distraction takes place due to inner turbulences as—“While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from such attachment lust develops, and from lust anger arises. From anger, complete delusion arises, and from delusion bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost one gets destroyed completely” (2.62-63 Bhagavat Geeta).  There fore one should be steady and firm in mind while deciding to get an effective result!


Now, what should be the real nature of a good decision maker to tackle a problem?  Here Lord Shri Krishna advises to do without expectation or a selfless deed. (Bhagavat Geeta 2.47)

Though, it might sound contradicting when one says both to decide after thinking it’s consequences  deeply and not have an expectation at the same time, it is quite true. We should decide with deep examination of it’s consequences but should not attach ourselves to by desires.

Great scholar Chanakya once said, “One should learn from one’s mistakes, but learning everything from your mistake might get killed! So, a wise man learns from other’s mistakes”.  A decision maker should approach this same idea of learning from all and applying accordingly. It is said that the problem could be global but the solution is local. With the same antidote to diction, one should learn from all, but apply accordingly with the required credibility to the situation.

Now, the striving to seek the best decision or a solution to a problem Bhratrihari, another great ancient Sanskrit protagonist said- “A mediocre leaves a task before starting it in fear of problems arisen, a moderate man will initiate the task but also leaves due to interruptions by problems, but a great man never leaves what he stated” (Nitishatakam -27th shloka). What we have learnt is a perfect decision not only requires deep contemplation but perseverance till execution with firm belief on it.

The way of effective decision might not always be a success. It could be your most unexpected setback or a grave mistake! But still you should never fear or feel demotivated. Keep searching the problem with effective solutions. Find the mistake and move forward with firm steps. As another quote of both Bhagavat Geeta and Chanakya says that a wise man never tormented for what happens in past. In the mid of the turmoil you have to make a good decisions and step forward without fear and strive for the greatest to become.

Now let us conclude here with the main ideas of decisions discussed here—

Ø  Decision is a contemplated solution to a problem with respect to the situation and capacity and resources.

Ø  Decision is part of intellect.

Ø  Effective decision is a quality of a leader.

Ø  Decision demands perseverance to execute.

Ø  Follow the wise man to decide wisely.

Ø  Decision can change history of man-kind.

Decide well, decide best! Cause the consequences will be credited in your account.

       Writer – Dipankar Bhatttacharya


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